Assistant Punjab Employees Social Security Institution Past Papers

The ______ we investigate the _____ apparent that he was guilty .

  • further/ most
  • farthest/ more
  • farthest/ most
  • None of these

Antonym of Gumption is _______

  • Apathy
  • Nerve
  • Initiative
  • None of these

If you come across my keys , bring it to me , can you ?

  • don't you
  • isn't you
  • can't you
  • Will you

Choose the correct analogy Young : Old : :Morning

  • Late
  • Night
  • Early
  • Evening

He sat _____ the shadow of mango tree.

  • on
  • under
  • onto
  • None of these

He is _______ worried about his car issue ____ he get to the garage .

  • so much / that
  • so/ -
  • - / the
  • None of these

He said to me , " where will you spend this night " ?

  • He asked me where I would spend that night .
  • He asked me where I will spend that night .
  • He asked me where I would spend this night .
  • None of these

جدید تنقید پر اردو کی پہلی کتاب کون سی ہے ؟

  • مقدمہ شعر و شا عری
  • آب حیات
  • شعر المجعم
  • ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

ان میں سے پروین شاکر کی کون سی تصنیف ہے ؟

  • کنگن
  • چاند
  • پھول
  • ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

علامہ اقبال کی کس فارسی کتاب کا دیپاچہ اردو میں ہے ؟

  • ارمغان حجاز
  • پیام مشرق
  • ضرب کلیم
  • ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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