Assistant Station Master Past Papers MCQs

Assistant Station Master Past Papers MCQs with Answers for test preparation in Pakistan Railways.

Assistant Station Master Past Papers MCQs

Which key is used to refresh all web pages?

  1. F7
  2. F5
  3. F6
  4. F8

What is the shortcut key of Help in MS Word?

  1. F1
  2. F2
  3. F3
  4. None of these

The changing of slides in PPT is called?

  1. custom transition
  2. custom animation
  3. slide transition
  4. slide animation

What is the use of a horizontal Scroll Bar in MS Excel?

  1. to view the data from left to the right
  2. to view the data in Excel from up and down
  3. to view the data from right to the left
  4. None of these

Autosave default time in MS Excel is:

  1. 10 hours
  2. 10 minutes
  3. 10 second
  4. None of these

Convert to 10 meters into centimeters?

  1. 100
  2. 1000
  3. 10000
  4. None of these

The ___ button toggles capital letter for inputs.

  1. caps lock
  2. alt
  3. ctrl
  4. none of these

The World's Earth filled largest Dam is:

  1. Mangla
  2. Warsak
  3. Tarbela
  4. Barotha

What is the purpose of Crtl+Shift+F6 in MS Excel?

  1. moves to the previous worksheet
  2. moves to the next worksheet
  3. forward to the previous worksheet
  4. none of these
Antonym of Crave?
  1. covet
  2. want
  3. like
  4. dislike

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