Assistant Station Master Past Papers MCQs

Choose the correct analogy of Prologue : Play

  1. Intermezzo : Symphony
  2. Overture : Opera
  3. Chapter : Novel
  4. Gesture : Pantominme

There is something wonderful ____ him.

  1. With
  2. To
  3. About
  4. For

Last night my mother told me that I had been invited ___ the wedding.

  1. From
  2. To
  3. At
  4. With
  5. On

NOC Stands for

  1. No objection certificate
  2. New order for clerk
  3. Both
  4. No Official Correspondence
How many sides octagon have
  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 4

Sodium : Salt ::

  1. Room : House
  2. Lime : Limestone
  3. Potassium : Phosphorous
  4. Calcium : Marble

OGRA decided fuel prices after how many days

  1. 10
  2. 15
  3. 30
  4. 60

حضرت ابراہیم نے بتوں کو ـــــــــ توڑا۔

  1. نیزے سے
  2. کلہاڑے سے
  3. تیر سے
  4. چاقو سے

پانچویں کلمے کا نام کیا ہے

  1. استغفار
  2. توحید
  3. طیب
  4. رد کفر

نماز استسقاء ادا کی جاتی ہے

  1. برسات
  2. سورج گرہن
  3. چاند گرہن
  4. زلزلہ

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