Balochistan MDCAT Past Paper 2023

How much energy is converted in a resistor of 5 ohm carrying a current of 2.0 after 10 seconds

  • 4.0 J
  • 200 J
  • 25 J
  • 100 J

Which of the following has the largest energy

  • A photon of wavelength 50 μm
  • A photon of wavelength 200 nm
  • A photon of wavelength 2 pm
  • A photon of wavelength 1 nm

If the value of acceleration due to gravity (g) is reduced to half, the time of flight “T” of projectile become

  • 4T
  • 2T
  • T/4
  • T/2

When the transverse wave passes. the particles of the medium Oscillate

  • With different frequencies
  • Parallel to the direction of wave travel
  • With different harmonics
  • Perpendicular to the direction of wave travel

Which one of the following bulbs has the least resistance if the current is kept constant

  • 100 watt
  • 400 watt
  • 200 watt
  • 300 watt

 When a gas is compressed isothermally, the product of its pressure and volume during the process is

  • Proportional to entropy
  • Zero
  • Constant
  • Not constant

 The magnetic field depends upon

  • Strength, mass and distance
  • Strength. distance and direction
  • Strength, mass and direction
  • Strength, mass and nature of magnetic materials

 Which product is formed when RMgX reacts with CO2

  • Ketone
  • Carboxylic acid
  • Ethers
  • Aldehyde

Temperature increase in an exothermic reversible reaction, shift the equilibrium to

  • Product side
  • Increase in both
  • Reactant side
  • Remains unchanged

Sp2 hybrid carbon atom is present in

  • Methanal
  • Propanol
  • Ethanol
  • Methanol

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