Balochistan MDCAT Past Paper 2023

Methanol is prepared from carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The catalyst used for this reaction is

  • Cr203 + ZnO
  • ZnO + Cu0
  • ZnO + Co02
  • ZnO + Ag20

Why do transition elements form alloys so easily

  • Atomic size
  • Hard elements
  • Very light
  • Orbital configuration

For every reaction occurring in human body there is at least one type of

  • Vitamin
  • Enzyme
  • Protein
  • Amino acid

 The solubility of KCIO3 Is decreased by adding

  • Not effected
  • KCI
  • H20
  • KClO3

 At room temperature. Glycerin bolls at 290 C. What is the boiling point of glycerin under vacuum distillation at 50 torr

  • 210 C
  • 310 C
  • 300 C
  • 320 C

 Which of the following acids has the smallest dissociation constant


 Which functional group is characteristic of ester

  • R-CO-OR
  • R-CO-OH
  • R-CO-R
  • R-O-R

 The hydrocarbon which has isolated ring and is aromatic

  • Triphenylmethane
  • Phenanthrene
  • Diphenyl ether
  • Anthracene

 Coulomb’s law is only true for point charges whose sizes are

  • Large
  • Very small
  • Very large
  • Medium

The polar part of the soap and detergents dissolve in meet molecules due to:

  • Dipole – dipole forces
  • Dipole – induced dipole forces
  • London Dispersion forces
  • Hydrogen bonding

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