Balochistan MDCAT Past Paper 2023

Acetic acid is weak acid than sulphuric acid because of w co the following reasons

  • It decomposes on increasing temperature
  • It has more inductive effect
  • It has less degree of ionization
  • It has -COON group

Which of the following pair is iso-structural

  • AICI3 and CH4
  • BF3 and NH3
  • S03 and BF3
  • SnCl2 and BeCl2

Which of the following is a bidentate ligand

  • Hydrazine
  • Carbonyl
  • Ammine
  • Aqua

Which of the following characteristic of carbonyl oxygen increases by base-catalyzed reaction

  • Amphoteric
  • Electrophobic
  • Electrophilic
  • Nucleophilic

Protein content of human milk is about:

  • 3.4 %
  • 1.4 %
  • 4.4 %
  • 2.4 %

Thermodynamically the most stable form of carbon is

  • Graphite
  • Diamond
  • Coal
  • Peat

The general electronic configuration of halide ions is

  • ns2 . np3
  • ns1 . np5
  • ns2 . np5
  • ns2 . np6

A set of postulates that explain the behavior of deal gas is called

  • Dalton’s theory
  • Bohr theory
  • Rutherford theory
  • Kinetic molecular theory of gases

Which of the following metal does not react with water

  • Mg
  • Ca
  • Na
  • Be

Which one of the following have no cleavage plane

  • Graphite
  • NaCI crystals
  • Ice
  • Copper crystals

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