Capital Flight from a country is called ?
A. removal of individual and corporate investment
B. removal of capital drain
C. removal of income
D. All of these
Central bank of Pakistan is _____?
A. State Bank
B. National Bank
C. Both of them
D. None of them
Who is called Father of Economics ?
A. Adam smith
B. David Ricardo
C. David smith
D. Adam Ricardo
Name the organization that is managed by those who use its facilities ?
A. Limited Company
B. Society
C. Corporation
D. Cooperative
What is called amount of money to purchase the goods and services to maintain life ?
A. Cost living
B. Basic requirement
C. Cost of life
D. None of these
Reduction in the circulation of money resulting from fall of prices is known as ?
A. deflation
B. inflation
C. cost effective
D. cost
Scale for measuring the average share price and percentage change of 30 major US industrial companies is called ?
A. Nikki Index
C. Dow Jones Index
D. Major Index
Depression is a drastic decline in a national of international economy It’s characteristic is ?
A. Decreasing business activity
B. Falling prices
C. Unemployment
D. All of these
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is __?
A. Value of all economic activity with in a nation’s border
B. Economics output of a country
C. Economic activities of federal government
D. None of these
What is the period called 12-months plan of a country to use its funds ?
A. Fiscal period
B. Calendar year
C. Year unit
D. Fiscal year (FY)