Basic Pharmacology MCQs

Hepatic first pass metabolism is important in ___?

A. Drugs given IM
B. Drugs taken orally
C. Drugs given IV
D. None of the above

American society of anesthesiologists physical status classification system, P2 is a is a patient who _____?

A. Is healthy
B. With mild systemic disease
C. With severe systemic disease
D. None of the above

The dose of a drug required to produce a specified effect in 50% of the population is _____?

A. Ld50
B. Td50
C. Md50
D. Ed50

The following statements are true about intravenous route of drug administration EXCEPT ______?

A. It is useful in emergencies
B. Aseptic precautions are required
C. Bioavailability is 100%
D. Suspensions can be administered

Teratogenicity results when drugs are given during _____?

A. First trimester
B. Second trimester
C. Third trimester
D. Soon after birth

Therapetic index indicates _____?

A. Drug toxicty
B. Drug potency
C. Drug safety
D. Drug’s Lethal effect

The ratio of the median lethal dose of the median effective dose is the ______?

A. Morbidity index
B. Moratality index
C. Anesthetic ratio
D. Therapeutic index

Km value indicates ______?

A. Purity of Enzyme
B. Physiological role
C. Half life enzymes drug complex
D. Affinity

Plasma concentration of drug at time 0 is 96g/mL. if t1/2 is 2 hours concentration is plasma at 10 hours will be ___?

A. 48
B. 24
C. 12
D. 3

A prodrug is ____?

A. The proto type member of a class of drugs
B. The oldest member of a class of drugs
C. An inactive drug that is transformed in the body to an active metabolite
D. A drug that is stored in body tissues and is then gradually released in the direction

IF patient suffered from exaggerated effect of pharmacological effect ____?

A. Idosyncrasy
B. Toxicity
C. Side effect
D. None of the above

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