CCE Past Papers 2023

Which of the following control the reflex action in the body:
  1. Central Nervous System
  2. Sensory Nerves
  3. Moter Nerves
  4. Sympathetic nervous system
Which of following phenomenon gives an evidence for the spherical shape of Earth:
  1. Solar Eclipse
  2. Lunar Eclipse
  3. Venus Transition
  4. Mars Transition
Which gas present in the Earth’s atmosphere can absorb solar ultraviolent radiation?
  1. Oxygen
  2. Ozone
  3. Carbon Dioxide
  4. Nitrogen
Water has maximum density at:
  1. 0 c
  2. 4 c
  3. 5 c
  4. 6 c
The instrument used in a submarine to see the object in the surface of water is:
  1. Periscope
  2. Telescope
  3. Kaleidoscope
  4. Microscope
The father of Rocketry specially Saturn V Rocket which make successful moon landing was:
  1. Dr. william Hale
  2. Hans Kammler
  3. Robert
  4. Dr Warner Von Braun
Speed of sound is greater in solids than in liquids because:
  1. The atoms in solids are regularly arranged
  2. The liquids has high electricity
  3. The solids have elasticity
  4. The atoms in liquids are closely packed
Recent advances made in color Doppler M.R.I works on:
  1. Electro-magnetic waves
  2. Infra-red radiation
  3. Sound waves
  4. Micro wave oscillation
Pacemaker is a small device which control disease related to:
  1. Ear
  2. Eye
  3. Throat
  4. Heart
Atmosphere of the earth is made up of different spheres. in which part of atmosphere commercial air craft usually fly:
  1. Thermosphere
  2. Stratosphere
  3. Troposphere
  4. Mesosphere

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