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Which of the following control the reflex action in the body:
- Central Nervous System
- Sensory Nerves
- Moter Nerves
- Sympathetic nervous system
Which of following phenomenon gives an evidence for the spherical shape of Earth:
- Solar Eclipse
- Lunar Eclipse
- Venus Transition
- Mars Transition
Which gas present in the Earth’s atmosphere can absorb solar ultraviolent radiation?
- Oxygen
- Ozone
- Carbon Dioxide
- Nitrogen
Water has maximum density at:
- 0 c
- 4 c
- 5 c
- 6 c
The instrument used in a submarine to see the object in the surface of water is:
- Periscope
- Telescope
- Kaleidoscope
- Microscope
The father of Rocketry specially Saturn V Rocket which make successful moon landing was:
- Dr. william Hale
- Hans Kammler
- Robert
- Dr Warner Von Braun
Speed of sound is greater in solids than in liquids because:
- The atoms in solids are regularly arranged
- The liquids has high electricity
- The solids have elasticity
- The atoms in liquids are closely packed
Recent advances made in color Doppler M.R.I works on:
- Electro-magnetic waves
- Infra-red radiation
- Sound waves
- Micro wave oscillation
Pacemaker is a small device which control disease related to:
- Ear
- Eye
- Throat
- Heart
Atmosphere of the earth is made up of different spheres. in which part of atmosphere commercial air craft usually fly:
- Thermosphere
- Stratosphere
- Troposphere
- Mesosphere
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