Chemical Engineering MCQs

Heat is added at constant temperature in an ideal ______ cycle:

A. Stirling
B. Brayton
C. Rankine
D. None of these

A gas can be liquefied by pressure alone only, when its temperature is _____ its critical temperature:

A. Less than
B. More than
C. Equal to or higher than
D. Less than or equal to

“If different processes are used to bring about the same chemical reaction, the enthalpy change is same for all of them”. This is _____ law:

A. Hess’s
B. Kirchoff’s
C. Lavoisier and Laplace
D. None of these

Which of the following test is used for distinguishing among dry oils, semi-drying oils and non drying oils:

A. Elaiden test
B. Reichert-Meissl value test
C. Hunter value test
D. Iodine value test

Laser welding is widely employed in the _______ industries:

A. Electronic
B. Structural
C. Process
D. Heavy

Joining of thin foils is preferred to be done by:

A. Gamma rays
B. X-rays
C. Microwaves
D. Gas welding

About _____ ton of coke is required in a cupola to produce one ton of casting:

A. 0.03
B. 0.3
C. 0.8
D. 1.5

Satellites burn off during re-entry to earth’s atmosphere, because of the:

A. Combustion with air
B. Gravitational pull by earth
C. Friction with earth’s atmosphere
D. Loss in weight of the satellite

Filler material used in welding should have _____ as compared to the parent metal to be welded:

A. Lower melting temperature
B. Same melting temperature
C. Same composition
D. Both ‘B’ & ‘C’

The only suitable method for hardening the low carbon steel is case hardening. Which of the following is a case hardening process:

A. Cyaniding
B. Sherardizing
C. Spheroidising
D. None of these

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