Chemical Engineering MCQs

With increase in temperature, the electrical conductivity of semiconductors:

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain constant
D. Either A. or B. depends on the type of semi-conductor

Silicon percentage in silicon steel used for electrical equipments is about:

A. 1
B. 4.0
C. 8
D. 14

Babbitt lining is used on brass/bronze bearings to increase the:

A. Antifriction properties
B. Compressive strength
C. Bearing resistance
D. Wear resistance

Window panes of aeroplanes are normally made of:

A. Perspex (PMMA)
B. Teflon (PTFE)
C. Bakelite (phenol formaldehyde)
D. Polystyrene

Which of the following hardness tests does not measure the indentation hardness of metals and alloys:

A. Vickers hardness test
B. Shore scleroscope test
C. Brinell hardness test
D. Rockwell hardness test

Which of the following approaches the ideal gas behaviour most closely:

A. Wet steam
B. Saturated steam
C. Superheated steam
D. Saturated water

Normalising does not _______ of a metal:

A. Improve machinability & tensile strength
B. Remove internal stresses
C. Refine the structure
D. Remove strains caused by cold working

Gratings is associated with the measurement of:

A. Linear displacement
B. Concavity/convexity
C. Surface texture
D. Flatness

Water flow in the river during flood can be categorized as the ______ flow:

A. Unsteady uniform
B. Unsteady non-uniform
C. Steady uniform
D. Steady non-uniform

The capacity of a spring to store energy is called the spring form co-efficient. Stiffness of a spring is measured by the:

A. Ability to absorb shock
B. Capacity to store energy
C. Ratio of the wire & coil diameters
D. Load to produce unit deflection

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