Essential Clinical Pathology MCQs covering all key topics to assist students and professional pathologists preparing for exams.
Clinical Pathology MCQs with answers
Amyloidosis is commonly associated with :
A. Chronic osteomyelitis
B. Periostitis
C. Acute osteomyelitis
D. Multiple myeloma
Which of the following is correctly matched :
A. Coagulation necrosis Tuberculosis
B. Caseation yellow fever
C. Fat necrosis Pancreatitis
D. Gumma infarction
Hypoxic death leads to :
A. Liquefactive necrosis
B. Coagulative nacrosis
C. Caseous necrosis
D. Fat necrosis
The hormone dependent shedding of endometrium is an example of :
A. Necrosis
B. Autolysis
C. Apoptosis
D. None of the above
Primary amyloidosis occurs in :
A. Multiple myeloma
B. Tuberculosis
C. Hodgkin’s diseaes
D. Chronic osteomyelitis
Amyloidosis most commonly occurs in :
A. Kidney
B. Spleen
C. Liver
D. Heart
Apoptosis is :
A. Single cell necrosis
B. Intracytoplasmic accumulation
C. Degenerative change
D. Neoplastic change in the cell
Severe generalized edema is called as :
A. Myxoedema
B. Pitting edema
C. Anasarca
D. Dependent edema
Hydrolytic degeneration is characterized by :
A. Caseation
B. Coagulation
C. Liquefaction
D. Fibrinoid
Tigered effect of heart is seen in :
A. Fatty change
B. Hyaline change
C. Amy
D. Atrophy