Increased proliferation of cells is called :
A. Hypertrophy
B. Atrophy
C. Hyperplasia
D. Metaplasia
Carcinogens induce tumours, they are :
A. Chemicals
B. Radiation
C. Viruses
D. All of the above
Most tumours are :
A. Biclonal in origin
B. Monoclonal in origin
C. Multiclonal in origin
D. None of the above
Rodent ulcer is most commonly seen on :
A. Face below altarages line
B. Face above altarages line
C. Anywhere on hairless skin
D. All of the above
The predisposing factor for squamous cell carcinoma :
A. Solar keratosis
B. Chronic ulcers
C. Leukoplasia
D. All of the above
Tumour arising from secretory and glandular epithelium are :
A. Adenomas
B. Adenosarcomas
C. Angiomas
D. Both A and B
Immune response to tumour is mediated by :
A. Cytotoxic T – lymphocytes
B. Natural killer cells
C. Humoral mechanism
D. All of the above
Which of the following has least capacity for regeneration :
A. Cardiac muscle
B. Skeletal muscle
C. Neurons
D. All of the above
The cells which do not undergo mitotic divisions :
A. Smooth muscle cells
B. Endothelial cells
C. Bone marrow cells
D. Neurons
Incomplete fractures of the bone are called :
A. Commented fracture
B. Compound fracture
C. Simple fracture
D. Green stick fracture