The predominant cells after 48 hours of inflammation are :
A. Monocytes
B. Macrophage
C. Neutrophils
D. A and B
Lymphocytosis is seen in :
A. Fungal infections
B. Viral infections
C. Bacterial infections
D. Protozoal infections
Highly infection stage of syphilis :
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tetriary
D. Congenital
Example of ganulomatous inflammation :
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Leprosy
C. Tuberculosis
D. All of the above
Inflammation is characterized by :
A. Transudation -> exudation -> oedena
B. Oedema -> exudation
C. Exudation -> transudation -> oedema
D. Only by exudation -> oedema
Kviem’s test is diagnostic test for :
A. Actinomycosis
B. Diphtheria
C. Tuberculosis
D. Sarcoidosis
Which of the bacteria resembles fungus :
A. Mycobacterium leprae
B. Actinomyces israeli
C. Mycobacterium bovis
D. All of the above
Enzymes responsible for suppuration are derived chiefly from :
A. PMN’s
B. Lymphocytes
C. Monocytes
D. Eosinophils
Serum sickness syndrome is :
A. A transplant immunity
B. An anaphylactic shock
C. Systemic arthus reaction
D. None of the above
Lepra cells seen in leprosy are :
A. Lymphocytes
B. Plasma cells
C. Vacuolated Histocytes
D. Neutrophils