Which of the following is not present in lungs ?
A. Clara cells
B. Langerhans cells
C. Brush cells
D. Klutischky cells
Which of the following is most common location of intracranial Neurocysticercosis?
A. Brain parenchyma
B. Spinal card
C. Basal cisternae
D. Medulla oblongata
All of the following types of collagen except one are present in cartliage :
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 9
Which is associated with defect in DNA repair :
A. Xeroderma pigmentosum
B. Albinism
C. Ichthyosis
D. Sickle cell anaemia
Prostate specific antigen is used as :
A. Tumor marker
B. Proto oncogene
C. Oncogene
D. Bacterial antigen
DiGeorge’s syndrome is due to :
A. Congenital thymic aplasia
B. Deficiency of complement factor
C. Inborn error of metabolism
D. Chromosomal anomaly
Endotoxin shock is propagated :
A. Endothelial injury
B. Peripheral vasodilation
C. Increased vascular permeability
D. Cytokine action
A haemophilia person has married to a normal woman Then his :
A. Daughter are carrier
B. Sons are infected
C. Daughter are infected
D. All are normal
Tumour involving epiphysis of long bone is :
A. Osteogenic sarcoma
B. Osteoclastoma
C. Ewings sarcoma
D. Chondro sarcoma
Not sequelae of cellular events in atherosclerotic infarction :
A. Neutrophilic infiltration
B. Astrocytes
C. Ingress of macrophages
D. Intense eosinophilia