Clinical Pathology MCQs with answers

Deposition of bile pigment in the basal ganglia is called :

A. jaundice
B. Kernicterus
C. Haemosiderosis
D. All of the above

Sickle cell anaemia precipitates when :

A. Oxygen tension goes down
B. Increased viscosity of blood
C. There is dehydration
D. All of the above

Auto immune hymolytic anaemia is seen in :


The fading of cellular chromatin is :

A. Karyolysis
B. Karyorrhexis
C. Pyknosis
D. Cytolysis

In sickle cell anaemia there is :

A. 75 to 100% haemoglobins
B. 10 to 20% haemoglobins
C. 20 to 30% haemoglobins
D. 50 to 60% haemoglobins

Primary haemostasis is disturbed in :

A. Platelet disorder
B. Lupus anticoagulant
C. Haemophilia
D. Liver disease

Thrombocytopenia due to increased platelet destruction is seen in :

A. Aplastic anaemia
B. Cancer chemotherapy
C. Acute leukaemia
D. Systemic lupus erythematosus

Edema is due to :

A. Increased albumin in blood
B. Decreased albumin conc. in blood
C. Increased osmotic pressure
D. None of the above

In hypovolemic shock :

A. The central venous pressure ins high
B. The extremities are pale, cold and sweating
C. There is always s site of bleeding
D. Urine output is unaffected

Hypovolemic shock develops after loss of :

A. 10% blood
B. 20% blood
C. 30% blood
D. 40% blood

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