Clinical Pathology MCQs with answers

Major site of atherosclerosis :

A. Coronary artery
B. Abdominal aorta
C. Thoracic aorta
D. Internal carotid artery

Risk factor for atherosclerosis :

A. Smoking
B. Hypertension
C. Diabetes
D. All of the above

White infarcts occurs in one of the following organs :

A. Ovary
B. Lung
C. Intestine
D. Heart

Infarcts are not common in :

A. Liver
B. Lung
C. Kidney
D. Both A and B

Venous emboli are most often lodged in :

A. Intestines
B. Lungs
C. Kidneys
D. Heart

The infarct of the following organs is invariably haemorrhagic :

A. Kidney
B. Lung
C. Spleen
D. Heart

Earliest lesion in atherosclerosis is :

A. Atheroma
B. Fatty streak
C. Fibrous plaque
D. None of the above

Pale infarcts are seen in all of the following except :

A. Lung
B. Liver
C. Kidney
D. Spleen

Left side heart failure results in :

A. Oedema of lungs
B. Oedema of spleen
C. Oedema of legs
D. Oedema of liver

Major and frequent influence for thrombus formation is :

A. Alteration in blood flow
B. Hypercoagulability
C. Endothelial damage
D. Fatty streak

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