CNS Pharmacology MCQs

CNS Pharmacology MCQs for jobs test preparation in pharmacology departments.

CNS Pharmacology MCQs

Which of the following drugs is least efficacious in the treatment of cemporal lobe epilepsy ?

A. Phenobarbitone
B. Phenytoin sodium
C. Primidone
D. Carbamazepine

Morphine is contraindicated in all of the following except _____?

A. Pulmonary oedema
B. Emphysema
C. Bronchial asthma
D. Head injury

Which of the following is not a contraindication in the therapy with opioids ______?

A. Use in head injury patient
B. use in impaired pulmonary function
C. Use of agonist with mixed agonist-antagonist
D. Use in severe constant pain

Which of the following can be given safely to a patient of congestive heart failure _____?

A. Aspirin
B. Paracetamol
C. Diclofenac sodium
D. Ibuprofen

Which of the following is an irreversible side enact resulting from long term administration of phenothiazline antipsychotics ______?

A. Infertility
B. Parkinsonism
C. Tardive dyskinesia
D. B & C

Which of the following is a nonsteroldad anti inflammatory agent with a tendency to produce blood dyscriasis ?

A. Indomathecin (indocin)
B. Ibuprofen (Motrin)
C. Ketoroloc
D. Aceteminophen

Amyl nitrate is most commonly administered ______?

A. Intravenously
B. By inhatation
C. Sub lingually
D. Orally

Which of the following anti-epileptic agents causes the reversible side-effect of gingival hyperplasia ?

A. Ethosuximide
B. Phenobarbitone
C. Sodium valporate
D. None of the above

Less gastrointestinal bleed is seen in the following NSAID _____?

A. Meloxicam
B. Naproxen
C. C0X2 specific inhibitors
D. Ibuprofen

Aspirin is contraindicated in _____?

B. Angina
C. Peptic ulcer
D. Hypertension

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