CNS Pharmacology MCQs

Aspirin is contraindicated in ______?

A. Peptic ulcer
B. Person suffering form chicken pox or small pox
C. Hemorrhage
D. All of the above

The muscle relaxant effect of succinylcholine lasts for ______?

A. 1 min
B. 2 min
C. 3-5 min
D. 10 min

The rate of injection of intravenous Valium is ______?

A. 1 ml / min
B. 2.5 ml / min
C. 1 mg / min
D. 2.5 mg / min

Ibuprofen is contraindicated in ______?

A. patients having fever
B. patients having asthma
C. patients having amoebic dysentery
D. Patient having bronchitis

Which of the following is a muscle relaxant _______?

A. Scoline
B. Pentazocine
C. Hyoscin
D. Phenylephrine

Activation of which of the following receptors would be expected to decrease anxiety ______?

A. Nicotinic cholinergic receptors
B. Glutamate receptors
C. GABA receptors
D. Glucocorticoid receptors

A Hemophiliac patient has rheumatold arthritis. Which drug might be prescribed to relieve the pain ?

A. Acetaminophen
B. Acetylsalicylic acid
C. Phenylbutazone
D. Naproxen

Folic acid deficiency occurs in _____?

A. Aspirin
B. Phenytoin
C. Chloromphenicol
D. Cyclosporine

An anxiolytic, not interacting with GABA ergic system and used in generalized anxiety is ____?

A. Alprazolam
B. Diazepam
C. Buspiron
D. Phenobarbital

Which among the following may be used as a sedatives hypnotic ?

A. Zolmitriptan
B. Zileuton
C. Zolpiden
D. Zalcitabine

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