What type of device is a computer mouse?
- Input
- output
- data
- none of these
What do you need for an inkjet printer?
- a drum
- a cartridge
- a ribbon
- none of these
LaserJet printer is measured in:
- Page per minute
- Line per minute
- dots per inch
- none of these
Part of the system unit:
- motherboard
CD-ROM is a
- Semiconductor memory
- Memory register
- Magnetic memory
- All of the above
- None of the above
Which device has the largest storage capacity?
- Hard Disk
NTFS stands for:
- New Term File System
- New Technology File System
- New Technology File Server
- None of these
The hardcopy means:
- printer
- print out
- hard disk
- paper
Which of the following is an Output Device__?
- Keyboard
- Printer
- Scanner
- Mouse
The physical structure of the computer is called___
- Software
- Hardware
- Human ware
- All of these