CSS MPT Past Paper 2022

Some times we think about the beauty of Heaven , what we call it:
  1. Imagination
  2. concept formation
  3. fantasy
  4. None
Short- term memory lasts only:
  1. 5-10 seconds
  2. 10-15 seconds
  3. 20-30 seconds
  4. None
Sartorial synonym
  1. Cheerful
  2. Sincere
  3. inelegant
  4. homespun
Rain fall is measured using a:
  1. Salinometer
  2. Rainoscope
  3. Rain gauge
  4. Rainometer
Total number of cubic blocs are 50. To construct a solid cube with none left over, what will be the minimum numbers that needs to be taken?
  1. 23
  2. 22
  3. 21
  4. 20
  5. None of these
Pie-Chart is suitable to divide the components of factor in:
  1. Sectors
  2. Percentage
  3. Angles
  4. All of these
  5. None of these
choose the best sentence :
  1. We cannot afford to eat in restaurants now a days
  2. We donot afford to eat in restaurants now a days
  3. We donot afford for eat in restaurants now a days
  4. None
choose the best sentence :
  1. On page 3, there is an advertisement of a new video camera
  2. On page 3, there is an advertisement of video camera
  3. On page 3, there is an advertisement for a new video camera
  4. None
choose the best sentence
  1. In France the death penalty was abolished in 1981
  2. In France the death penalty has been abolished in 1981
  3. In France the death penalty has abolished in 1981
  4. None
Choose the correct one option
  1. He gave me all the maps free
  2. He gave me all the maps freely
  3. He gave me all the maps to free
  4. None

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