CTD Corporal Past Paper 2024

Eat one's cake and have it means:

  1. Policy in coach fighting among friends
  2. A policy to keep dog as a house guard
  3. To maintain disease cat
  4. Have it both ways

A Man of Straw means:

  1. Whimsical person
  2. An idiot
  3. A weak person
  4. Made of straws

Which of the following is not of the merge process?

  1. Preview the merge results
  2. Format a main document
  3. Edit a data source
  4. Identify the main document

Which file is responsible to start MS PowerPoint?

  1. ppt.exe
  2. Mspoint.exe
  3. Powerpnt.exe
  4. None of these

Which key is used to delete a character to its left side of the cursor in MS Word 2010?

  1. Esc button
  2. Delete button
  3. End button
  4. Backspace button

The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called:

  1. Forwarding
  2. Downloading
  3. Uploading
  4. None

Feroz Khan Noon’s government was dissolved by:

  1. Iskandar Ali Mirza
  2. Liaquat Ali Khan
  3. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
  4. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

The study related to animals is called:

  1. Zoology
  2. Botany
  3. Chemistry
  4. None of these

Also Read: All CTD PAST Past Papers online here.

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