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What is the shortcut key of Help in MS Word?
- F1
- F2
- F3
- None of these
Find out the opposite meaning of Capital letters. I don't know if the painting is AUTHENTIC.
- inauthentic
- unauthentic
- disauthentic
- misauthentic
Find out the opposite meaning of Capital letters. His CLOSING remarks covered all the important matters.
- beginning
- starting
- opening
- initiating
Find out the opposite meaning of Capital letters. During the winter the seeds lie DORMENT in the soil.
- stong
- developing
- alive
- active
Find out the similar meaning of Capital letters. When does your driving license EXPIRE?
- finish
- complete
- run out
- die
Find out the opposite meaning of Capital letters. Millman ground my wheat grains in FINE flour.
- thick
- granular
- hard
- whole
Find out the similar meaning of Capital letters. The goods are DESTINED for Poland.
- bound
- sent
- limited
- despateched
Find out the opposite meaning of Capital letters. She ALWAYS arrives on time.
- never
- sometimes
- seldom
- occasionally
Find out the similar meaning of Capital letters. She was good at physical DESPITE the fact that she found it boring.
- spite
- in spite
- the other hand
- in spite of
Find out the similar meaning of Capital letters. It seems an AUSPICIOUS start to the new school year.
- positive
- promising
- definite
- wonderful
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