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The Continent Antarctica covers the total area of world ?
- 3.5 %
- 1.9 %
- 2.75 %
- none
1956 constitution is promulgated in
- 2 june 1956
- 3 july 1956
- 23 March 1956
- 5 April 1956
HTML is used to create ____
- web page
- machine language program
- both
- None
Old name of Myanmar
- Burma
- Yangon
- Rangoon
- None
Where is computer's BIOS stored?
- Flash memory chip
- Hard Disk
The highest waterfall of the world is?
- Angel falls
- Great fall
- Victoria falls
- Boyoma Falls
Which of following is HTML tag
- # and #
- { and }
- ! and ?
- < and >
The Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is ____?
- Asia
- Europe
- Africa
- North America
Which is the smallest unit of data in computer?
- Bit
- Byte
- Mega bite
- None of these
The First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved By Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad on _____?
- October 24, 1954
- October 24, 1956
- October 24, 1955
- None of these
Sher e Bangal was the title of which personality
- Mujeeb ur Rahman
- Fazal ul Haq
- Shakib ul Hassan
- Mohsin ul mulk
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