CTD Punjab Police Past Papers MCQs 2018 – 2024

The Continent Antarctica covers the total area of world ?
  1. 3.5 %
  2. 1.9 %
  3. 2.75 %
  4. none
1956 constitution is promulgated in
  1. 2 june 1956
  2. 3 july 1956
  3. 23 March 1956
  4. 5 April 1956
HTML is used to create ____
  1. web page
  2. machine language program
  3. both
  4. None
Old name of Myanmar
  1. Burma
  2. Yangon
  3. Rangoon
  4. None
Where is computer’s BIOS stored?
  1. DRAM
  2. Flash memory chip
  3. SRAM
  5. Hard Disk
The highest waterfall of the world is?
  1. Angel falls
  2. Great fall
  3. Victoria falls
  4. Boyoma Falls
Which of following is HTML tag
  1. # and #
  2. { and }
  3. ! and ?
  4. < and >
The Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is ____?
  1. Asia
  2. Europe
  3. Africa
  4. North America
Which is the smallest unit of data in computer?
  1. Bit
  2. Byte
  3. Mega bite
  4. None of these
The First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved By Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad on _____?
  1. October 24, 1954
  2. October 24, 1956
  3. October 24, 1955
  4. None of these
Sher e Bangal was the title of which personality
  1. Mujeeb ur Rahman
  2. Fazal ul Haq
  3. Shakib ul Hassan
  4. Mohsin ul mulk

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