Custom Inspector and Intelligence Officer (BS-16) 2019

Custom Inspector and Intelligence Officer Past Paper MCQs conducted by FPSC in the year 2019.

Custom Inspector and Intelligence Officer Past Paper MCQs

Title Amin-ul-Ummat was given to?

A) Abdullah bin Masood
B) Abdullah bin Umar
C) Abdullah bin Abbas
D) Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah

What is the meaning of Ihsan?

A) Perfection
B) Submission
C) Belief
D) None of these

How many months were declared sacred?

A) 2 month
B) 4 month
C) 5 month
D) 8 month

What is the main message of Surah Hujrat?

A) kind towards women
B) Ethics
C) Treatment with slaves
D) None of these

What is meaning of Al-Baqarah?

A) Goat
B) Elephant
C) Cow
D) Spider

The headquarters of the Asian Development Bank is in?

A) Manila
B) Tokyo
C) Bangkok
D) None of these

Trump-Kim summit was arranged at?

A) Thailand
B) Singapore
C) China
D) Japan

Which country has imposed a tax on Carbon?

A) Singapore
B) Thailand
C) China
D) Germany

When is International Forest Day observed?

A) 21 March
B) 21 April
C) 23 September
D) None of the above

Name of the recent military operation started by the Pakistan army?

A) Radd-al-Fasad
B) Rah e Nijaat
C) Zarb e Azb
D) None of these

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