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Saudi Arabia has opened its land border with Qatar after how many years?
- 1 year
- 2 years
- 3 years
- 4 years
Quarter of 1%?
- 0.50
- 0.25
- 0.75
- none
Ali is ___ shower for last 15 minute ?
- Taking
- bathing
- all
- none
Graphics in MS Word is called ?
- Clip art
- Word Art
- Home menu
- None
He ---- his job Last week ?
- Left
- Right
- Join
- None
He arrived ___ to catch the train ?
- On time
- In time
- at time
- none
Which is the short key to "find" and "replace" ___?
- Ctrl+S
- Ctrl+H
- Ctrl+K
- None of the above
Which country hosted Navy's Aman Exercise in 2021 ?
- Pakistan
- Uk
- India
- None
The school have 90 male teachers out of 150. What is the percentage of female teacher ?
- 40 %
- 20 %
- 50 %
- None
Which country will host 2023 South Asian Federation (SAF) games?
- Srilanka
- India
- Pakistan
Trump supporters attack on hill tower on which date
- 6th Jan 2021
- 6th Feb 2021
- 6th March 2021
- None of these
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