Election Officer Past Papers MCQs

A candidate or an election agent may obtain a hard and searchable soft copy of the final electoral roll with photographs of the voters in accordance with section:

A. 77
B. 78
C. 79
D. 80

Recount of cast votes shall be made on the request of contesting candidates only

A. once
B. twice
C. thrice
D. as many times

Maintenance of order at the polling station comes under the duty of __________?

A. polling agent
B. election agent
C. returning officer
D. presiding officer

not more than ________voters shall be assigned to a polling station?

A. 1200 (1200 per PS and 300 per Booth)
B. 1000
C. 300
D. 600

A deposit may become non-refundable if a candidate fail to file an application within ____ from the date of

A. 1 month
B. 2 month
C. 3 month
D. 1 month and 15 days

Overseas Pakistani means citizen of Pakistan under Pakistan citizenship act

A. II-1951
B. III-1951
C. II-1949
D. III-1949

RO is bound to send the final result after the consolidation process to the commission within _____?

A. 24 hours
B. 48 hours
C. 72 hours
D. 8 hours

Notaries Ordinance 1961 means:

A. (XI of 1961)
B. (IX of 1961)
C. (X of 1961)
D. (XIX of 1961)

the documents retained by the commission will open for public inspection except

A. ballot papers
B. electoral rolls
C. challenged ballot papers
D. certification

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