English Grammar MCQs

The king ___ by the rebel.
  1. Killing
  2. Killed
  3. Was killed
  4. Has killed
  5. Had killed
They ____ a movie next weakened.
  1. Were Watching
  2. Will Watch
  3. Were Watched
  4. Have Watched
  5. Watched
Is this the man ______ yesterday?
  1. which you meet
  2. That has meet you
  3. That you met
  4. That you have met
They were playing football. The above sentence is the example of:
  1. Past Continuous Tense
  2. Past Indefinite Tense
  3. Past Perfect Tense
  4. Past Perfect Continous Tense
______ are used in present perfect continuous tense to show time of action?
  1. Is & am
  2. Was & Were
  3. Have & Has
  4. Since & For
Lubna ___ talking for ten minutes.
  1. Is
  2. Have been
  3. Has been
  4. Was
  5. Will
_____ is a Relative Pronoun?
  1. My self
  2. This book
  3. Everyone
  4. Who
  5. None of these
Objectives limiting the meaning of a noun showing either possession, demonstration, or number are called.
  1. Limiting
  2. Description
  3. Proper adjective
  4. Indicative adjective
  5. None
‘’Mr. Rizwan Ali has telephoned his son once a week for years’’ is a ______ tense.
  1. Present perfect
  2. Present 1
  3. Past
  4. Future
  5. None of these
‘’ The fool shot himself in the foot “ is a ______ Pronoun.
  1. Personal Pronoun
  2. Reflexive Pronoun
  3. Demonstrative Pronoun
  4. None of these

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