English Lecturer Past Paper PPSC 2020

Which of the following terms are assigned to the 13 properties identified by Hockett (1960)?

A. Linguistic Universals
B. Relative scripts
C. Universal script
D. Linguistic nodes

When the baby is 3 months old he can produce velar sounds /k/, /g/ and vowels /i/, /u/, this stage is known as:

A. Babbling
B. Holophrastic
C. Cooing
D. Telegraphic

How many plays did William Shakespeare write?

A. 36
B. 37
C. 38
D. 39

Who was the main contributor to the linguistic period?

A. Bartlett
B. Piaget
C. Hermann paul
D. Chomsky

“Close Shave” means:

A. Hair’s breadth
B. By the skin of one’s teeth
C. Narrow escape
D. To apply economy

Lord Byron belongs to_____ age?

A. Romantic
B. Victorian
C. Transition
D. Edwardian

“Marlowe simply prepared the way for the master who was to follow.” Who is the master referred to in this remark?

A. Ben Jonson
B. Shakespeare
C. John Webster
D. Thomas Middleton

Few words with very closely related meanings:

A. Antonyms
B. Homonyms
C. Synonyms
D. Hyponymy

Aurobindo Ghose’s Savitri is an epic of the:

A. Universe
B. Soul
C. Mind
D. Heaven

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