English Literature MCQs

The term “Civil Disobedience” was coined by which author ?

A. William Gates
B. Henry David Thoreau
C. Booker T. Washington
D. Alain Locke

The subject of Soujourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” is _______?

A. Women’s rights
B. Negro rights
C. The right to keep one’s children
D. A and B
E. The rights of farm hands

Who popularized the Comedy of Humours?

A. oscar wilde
B. Ben Jonson
C. geoffrey chaucer
D. william shakespeare

Who wrote the book Utopia?

A. william shakespeare
B. edmund spenser
C. philip sidney
D. Thomas More

Who wrote the essay of Studies?

A. philip sidney
B. thomas more
C. Francis Bacon
D. edmund spenser

The King James Version of the Bible was published in _.

A. 1611
B. 1610
C. 1609
D. 1604

How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?

A. 150
B. 154
C. 145
D. 129

Native Son was written by ________?

A. Jean Toomer
B. Richard Wright
C. Ralph Ellison
D. James Baldwin

One of the functions of protest poetry was to ________?

A. Urge African Americans to fight their oppressors
B. Encourage societies strive for equality for all
C. Extol the virtues of living in the free North
D. Argue that slavery was not so bad for everyone

Why is the couple in Arna Bontemps’s “A Summer Tragedy” getting dressed up ?

A. To go to a party
B. To go pay old man Stevenson
C. To end their lives
D. To go to church

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