English Literature MCQs

Sonia Sanchez’s “right on: white America” is protesting ________?

A. The extermination of Native Americans
B. That there is a Black America and a White America
C. Black on black violence
D. The fact that America still has a frontier mentality

Who wrote Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl ?

A. Lucy Terry
B. William Wells Brown
C. Harriet Wilson
D. Harriet Jacobs

Race relations in the North are attacked in ______?

A. Harriet Jacob’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.
B. Harriet Wilson’s Our Nig
C. William Wells Brown’s Clotel
D. Toni Morrison’s Beloved

Who introduced the character of the “tragic mulatto” ?

A. William Wells Brown
B. Lydia Maria Child
C. Harriet Jacobs
D. Harriet Beecher Stowe

Find the odd one out

A. William Shakespeare
B. christopher marlowe
C. robert greene
D. thomas nashe

Who wrote the play Every Man in His Humour?

A. thomas nashe
B. robert greene
C. william shakespeare
D. Ben Jonson

Who wrote the play Bartholomew Fair?

A. john webster
B. thomas kyd
C. Ben Jonson
D. william shakespeare

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” King advocates ___?

A. Breaking the law.
B. Using violence when necessary.
C. Waiting for times to get better.
D. Disobeying unjust laws.

Uncle Julius is a character developed by ___?

A. Harriet Beecher Stowe
B. Joel Chandler Harris
C. Richard Wright
D. Charles Chesnutt

The importance of Freedom’s Journal was _?

A. It was the first African American novel.
B. It was the first African American newspaper.
C. It was published by Frederick Douglass.
D. It argued for a separate African American community in America.

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