English Literature MCQs

The supportive network of female slaves led to ___?

A. Resistance to the overseers.
B. Learning to be midwives.
C. Resistance against dehumanization.
D. Lower suicide rates.

Who is the author of the novel Passing ?

A. William Wells Brown
B. Nella Larsen.
C. Charles Chesnutt
D. James Weldon Johnson

Which of the following statements about slavery is true ?

A. Most slave children lived in two family homes.
B. Slave owners did not allow their slaves to live as married couples.
C. Slaves were given limited civil rights.
D. Most slaves were not Christian.

What is Epistolary Novel ?

A. a novel of short length
B. a novel personal feelings
C. a Novella
D. A novel of correspondence among the characters

A person who writes about his own life writes ____?

A. a diary
B. a biography
C. an autobiography
D. a chronicle

Which one of the following poets was appointed Poet Laureate in the year 1813 ?

A. Tennyson
B. Byron
C. Southey
D. Wordsworth

Which one is the world’s longest running play __?

A. The Mousetrap
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. Othello
D. Macbeth

What do you mean by Diction ?

A. choice of words for writing
B. choice of characters
C. choice of rhythms
D. choice of simile and metaphor

The age tended to favour the taste and search for truth in art __?

A. Classical
B. Romantic
C. Victorian
D. Elizabethan

‘The Revolt of Islam’ was written by ______?

A. Wordsworth
B. Coleridge
C. Shelley
D. None of these

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