English Literature MCQs

‘The quality of Mercy is not strained’ the line is taken from __?

A. Merchant of Venice
B. Two gentleman of Verona
C. Midsummer’s Night Dream
D. Anthony and Cleopatra

Hyperion is a/an poem ___?

A. Elegy
B. Epic
C. Lyric
D. None of these

Which poem of Tennyson was particularly like by Queen Victoria ?

A. The Idylls of the kings
B. Charge of the Light Brigade
C. In Memoriam
D. None of these

The earliest play written by Shakespeare according to Oxford Shakespeare 1588 is ____?

A. The Taming of the Shrew
B. As you Like it
C. Two Gentlemen of Verona
D. Titus Andronicus

What the term Renaissance refers ?

A. revival or rebirth
B. representation
C. presentation
D. rebel

Who is called the Bird of Avon ?

A. John Dryden
B. William Shakespeare
C. John Milton
D. None of these

George Bernard Shaw is ___?

A. a playwright
B. a film-maker
C. a historian
D. a modern painter

Who is the writer of The Restoration Period ?

A. Aphra Ben
B. Robert Herrick
C. Jeremy Taylor
D. Thomas Hobbes

Exiles’ is a _____?

A. Short Story
B. Novel
C. Play
D. Poem

The statue of ‘Ozymandias’ is ____?

A. on a mountain
B. beside a river
C. in a desert
D. in a valley

These English literature MCQs online test sets compiled from past papers of CSS, PPSC, UPSC, FPSC and English literature subject exams.

Read More: General Knowledge MCQs

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