English Literature MCQs

Which period is considered as the height of English Renaissance?

A. 1500 – 1550
B. 1450 – 1500
C. 1550 – 1600
D. 1600 – 1650

___ is a term denotes historical perspective for studying language ?

A. Synchrony
B. Diachrony
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

Reflections on Language is a book written by Noam Choamsky in _____?

A. 1975
B. 1976
C. 1977
D. 1988

The Syntactic Structures is a book written by Noam Choamsky in ______?

A. 1957
B  1958
C. 1959
D. 1960

The study of relationships between two or more languages and the investigation whether the common languages have a common ancestor is called _______?

A. Psycho linguistics
B. Sociolinguistics
C. Comparative linguistics
D. None of these

Gunter Grass got Nobel Prize in________?

A. 1998
B. 1999
D. 1997
D. 2000

Earnest Hemingway got Nobel Prize for ___?

A. Old Man and the Sea
B. A Farewell to Arms
C. Man and Superman
D. Life of Pea (Ryan Martel)

Which is called the Golden Period of English Literature?

A. Elizabethan Age
B. Victorian Age
C. Restoration Period
D. Augustan Age

Who is of the following both a poet and a novelist?

A. George Eliot
B. Thomas Hardy
C. Karl Mark
D. R. L. Stevenson

Which were the dominant art forms of English Renaissance?

A. Literature and Music
B. painting and sculpture
C. cinema and drama
D. singing and dancing

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