English Literature MCQs

Who wrote Astrophel and Stella?

A. william shakespeare
B. edmund spenser
C. christopher marlowe
D. Philip Sidney

Who wrote The Defence of Poesy?

A. edmund spenser
B. Philip Sidney
C. geoffrey chaucer
D. william shakespeare

Which of the following is a 19th century woman novelist?

A. Emily Dickinson
B. Ezra Pound
C. Virginia Woolf
D. George Eliot

Who is the famous woman novelist in Victorian Age _____?

A. E.B. Browning
B. George Eliot
C. T.S Eliot
D. Austen

Which of the following is considered the first great work in world literature___?

A. Divine Comedy
B. Epic of Gilgamesh
C. Brother Karamazov
D. Anna Karenina

Who is the Author of the Book “As u Like it”?

A. Coleridge
B. Karl Marx
C. Thomas Hardy
D. William Shakespear

Who uttered these words “Beauty is truth, truth is beauty, that is all” ?

A. Willams Shakespeare
B. Gold Smith
C. John Keats
D. Adlof Hatler

In Paul Laurence Dunbar’s “A Cabin Tale,” which character is a trickster figure?

A. Weasel.
B. Bear.
C. The farmer.
D. The young boy.

Who wrote The Faerie Queene?

A. philip sidney
B. ben jonson
C. thomas kyd
D. Edmund Spenser

Who wrote Tamburlaine the Great?

A. william shakespeare
B. Christopher Marlowe
C. thomas kyd
D. ben jonson

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