Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

What is DDT ______?

A. Dichloro-diphenyl,trichloro,ethane
B. Dimethory diphenyl,trichloro,ethane
C. Dichloro diphenyl teracholoride
D. None of the Above

Against Lepidopterous larvae we apply ____?

A. Lefenuron, Chlorfluazuron, Flufenoxum
B. Formothion
C. Methamidohpos
D. All the above

Against sucking and chewing insect pest we apply ____?

A. Monocrotophos, Diazinon, Profenophos
B. Endosulfan, Deltamethrin, Dimethoate
C. Cypermethrin, Permethrin,Malathion
D. All the above

A dose of a toxicant that kills 50% of the exposed organism is called ____?

A. LC50
B. LD50
C. None of the Above
D. LD75

Toxic refers to a ______?

A. Poison
B. Poisonous material
C. None of the Above
D. Both of them

A substance that destructive to nerve tissue is called ______?

A. Toxicant
B. Neurotoxin
C. Drift
D. Swath

A poison produced by a plant, animal or organisms is called ____?

A. Toxin
B. Toxicant
C. Neurotoxin
D. None of the Above

A substance used in a pesticide, it helps the spray material to adhere to the sprayed surface is called ____?

A. Adhesive
B. Adjuvant
C. Activator
D. Agitation

Chemical added to pesticide to increase its activity is called ____?

A. Activator
B. Agitation
C. Adjuvant
D. Synergism

Death of an insect from a single dose is called _____?

A. Defoliant
B. Bait
C. Chronic poisoning
D. Acute poisoning

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