The chemical used for controlling fish is called ______?
A. Ovicide
C. Pesticide
D. herbicide
The pesticide which is used for killing or controlling the eggs of insects is called _____?
A. Avicide
B. Ovicide
C. Pesticide
D. Fungicide
The ingredient of pesticide formulation responsible for toxic effect is called _____?
A. Active ingredient
B. Insert ingredient
C. Dose
D. Pesticide
The parasites which capable of parasitizing a considerable number of host species is called ______?
A. Polyhagous parasites
B. oligophagous parasites
C. Facultative parasites
D. Transitory parasites
Cotesia flavipers is endo larval parasite of _____?
A. Sugarcane stem borer
B. Sugarcane top borer
C. Sugarcane root borer
D. Sugarcane black borer
The insect which Parasitizes one species of host is called _____?
A. Obligated Parasite
B. Permanent Parasite
C. Transitory Parasite
D. Intermitted Parasite
Best example of parasites are ______?
A. Ichneumon, Fleas
B. Trichograma sp, Horse flie
C. Cotesia sp
D. All of above
The parasites whose hosis are also parasites collectively termed as _____?
A. Hyperparasites
B. Phytophagous parasites
C. Heteroxenous parasites
D. None of the Above
The parasite which requires only one host for its complete life cycle is called ____?
A. Monoxenous parasites
B. Zoophagous parasites
C. Phytophagous parasites
D. Entomophagous parasites
Some insects which are used as bio control agents for used control is called _____?
A. Entomophagous parasites
B. Zoophagous parasites
C. Phytophagous parasites
D. None of the Above