Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

What is the family of mosquito ____?

A. Culicidae
B. Pyralidae
C. Tineidae
D. Bombicidae

Photogenic organ are present in ______?

A. Flies
B. Fire flies
C. Wasps
D. Honey bee

The workers of ant, of ant, bee and wasps are _____?

A. May be a non reproductive male or non reproductive female
B. A non reproductive male
C. A non reproductive female
D. none of the above

What types of insects are injurious _____?

A. Agricultural pest, house hold, Store grain, Pollinators
B. Agricultural pest, Parasite, Predator
C. Store grain, Parasite, Predator
D. Agricultural pest, house hold pest, Store grain, insects of domestic animals

What are productive insects _____?

A. Silk worms Lac insects Honey bees
B. Parasites, Predators, Pollination
C. Silk worm, Pollinators, Predators
D. Lac insect, Honey bees, pollinator

Queen and drones have ______ number of chromosome ?

A. Diploid
B. Haploid
C. Triploid
D. None of above

Commercial production of lac through lac insects is called _____?

A. Sericulture
B. Apiculture
C. Floriculture
D. Lac culture

Lac is produced by insect _____?

A. Bombyx mori
B. Laceifera lacca
C. Apis dorsata
D. Apis cerana

Types of pheromone which motivate the insects to follow each other is known as ____?

A. Alarm pheromone
B. Aggregation pheromone
C. Sex pheromone
D. Trial marking pheromone

Types of pheromones which alert the insect from any danger known as _____?

A. Alarm pheromone
B. Aggregation pheromone
C. Sex pheromone
D. Trial marking pheromone

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