Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

Difference between workers and drones _____?

A. Drones are female while workers are sterile
B. Drones are male while workers are sterile
C. Drones are sterile while workers are sterile
D. None of the above

The artificial food of Queen is known as ______?

A. Jelly
B. Royal Jelly
C. Bee bread
D. Nectar

The bees which are reared artificially as commercial business are called ____?

A. Domestic bees
B. Wild bees
C. None of above
D. Jelly

The colony of termites is called _____?

A. Termitorium
B. Cage
C. Hive
D. Comb

The insects which spend their lives individually and do not lives in colonies are known as _____?

A. Social insects
B. Solitary insects
C. Gregarious
D. Stored grain insects

These insects which lie in organized colonies or possess cast system is called _____?

A. Social insect
B. Stored grain insect
C. House hold insect
D. None of the above

A population or group of insects composed of a single genotype is called _______?

A. Pilosity
B. Biotype
C. Genotype
D. Phenotype

When some cultivars are resistance and some cultivars are susceptible, when they are infested with same insect biotype such type of resistance is called _____?

A. General resistance
B. Specific resistance
C. Cross resistance
D. Horizontal resistance

A type of resistance in which a series of different cultivars of the same crop are infested with a series of different insect biotype of same species show no differentia intersction, such type of resistance is _____?

A. Specific resistance
B. Horizontal resistance
C. General resistance
D. Cross resistance

Total complete resistance against any adverse condition is called _____?

A. Immunity
B. Tolerance
C. Resistance
D. Plant resistance

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