Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

It is the tendency of a plant to escape infestation is known as _____?

A. Plant resistance
B. Resistance
C. Pest avoidance
D. Tolerance

Chemicals, which transmit the chemical message, to individual of various species ____?

A. Semio chemicals
B. Allelo chemicals
C. Primers
D. Releasers

Fast acting pheromones and called _____?

A. Releasers
B. Primers
C. Semiochemicals
D. Allelochemicals

Locomotion in response to touch is _____?

A. Chemokinesis
B. Stereokinesis
C. Hydrokinesis
D. Klinokinesis

Iocomotary movement of an organ towards a stimulus, but stimulus does not control direction of the movement is _____?

A. Kinesis
B. Orthokinesis
C. Uniokineses
D. Hydrokinesis

Type of reproduction in which young ones Produced form unfertilized eggs is _____?

A. Parthenogenesis
B. Pacdogenesis
C. Vtviparity
D. Polyenibryony

Which enzyme responsible for the break down of fat and oil _____?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Lipases
C. Proteases
D. non of theses

What is the function of carbohydrates enzymes in insects ______?

A. Sugar breakers
B. Fat and oil breakers
C. Protein breakers
D. Oxygen breakers

Juvenile hormone ensures ____?

A. Causes moulting
B. Larval organism is to be made after moulting
C. Maintains immature forms during larval moults
D. 2nd and 3rd both

The process of periodic shedding of hard secretion cuticle which occurs during developmental stages of insects is called ____?

A. Moulting
B. Ecdysis
C. Exuvium
D. Moulting and Ecdysis

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