Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

Main kind of insect pests are ________?

A. Major pest & Minor pest
B. Migrant pest & potential pest
C. both A & B
D. None of the above

The insect head is essentially a capsule which encloses the brain and bears the usually external (ectognathous) mouthparts, the eyes and a pair of sensory antennae. The mouth part comprise basic sections as:

A. An ‘upper lip’ (labrum), lower (ventral) surface of which forms the epipharynx
B. a tongue-like hypopharynx; the jaws (mandibles)
C. The paired maxillae and a ‘lower lip’ (labium).
D. All of these

What KD50 ______?

A. Medium knock down
B. Highly knock down
C. Low knock down
D. None of above

Pheromone used against fruity fly is ____?

A. Dichlorvos
B. Malathion
C. Carbofuron
D. Mancoze

The width of the area treated in one pass by a sprayer or other applicator is called _____?

A. Drift
B. Swath
C. Aerosol
D. Toxin

The quality a of a pesticide to remain as an effective residue because of its low volatility and chemical stability is termed as _____?

A. Persistence
B. Aerosol
C. Defoliant
D. Desiccant

The concentration of a toxicant that kills 50% of the exposed organism is called ______?

A. LC50
B. LD50
C. None of the Above
D. LD75

Toxicant refers to a ______?

A. Poison
B. Poisonous material
C. None of the Above
D. Both of them

A material which is used to dilute active material is called _____?

A. Adjuvant
B. Adhesive
C. Carrier
D. Agitation

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