Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

It is a nitrogenous polysaccharides which are more than 50% of substance of cuticle is called _____?

A. Sclerotion
B. Resilin
C. Chitin
D. Cuticulin

Function of Exo cuticle insect is ____?

A. Rigidity of body parts
B. impermeability of water
C. Prevent evaporation
D. Toughness and flexibility

The body wall of insect which includes cuticle, epidermis and basement membrane is _____?

A. Integument
B. Exoskeleton
C. Internal skeleton
D. None of the above

Jumping legs present in grasshopper known as ______?

A. Saltatorial
B. Raptiorial
C. Cursorial
D. Netatiorial

Ants butterflies, wasp, moths have type of legs ______?

A. Basket like
B. Cursorial
C. Netatorial
D. Fossorial

Honey bees with a row of minutes hooks on the anterior wings that catch in to the up-rolled hind border of the fore wing is ____?

A. Frenulum
B. Jugum
C. Retainaculum
D. hamuli

Wings are modified into rod like structure in Thrips are type of wings _____?

A. Membrarieous
B. halteres
C. Stripy
D. Elytra

When the fore wings are modified into halteres. they are called _____?

A. Filohalteres
B. pseudohalteres
C. Halteres
D. Hemelytra

Grasshopper and cockroaches have type of wings is ______?

A. Tegmina
B. Hemelytra
C. Stripy
D. hemelgtra

Type of pupae with appendages are free and no glued to the body is ____?

A. Obtect
B. Coarctate
C. Exarate
D. Platyform

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