Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

Housefly have mouth parts ______?

A. Sponging type
B. Siphoning type
C. Rasping type
D. Piecing sucking type

Butter flies have antennae_____?

A. Capitate
B. Clavate
C. Geniculate
D. Flabellate

The main body regions of insects are called _______?

A. Tagmata
B. Antecosta
C. Acrotergata
D. None of the above

The lateral selertized region of insect body is called ______?

A. Pleuron
B. Tergum
C. Sternum
D. None of the above

House has antennae _______?

A. Aristate
B. Stylate
C. Ensiform
D. Capitate

Male mosquitoes have antennae while female mosquitoes have antennae ____?

A. Aristate, plumose
B. Plumose, pilose
C. Pectinate, Pilose
D. Pectinate, plumose

The study of form and structure of insects are called _______?

A. insect morphology
B. insect physiology
C. insect Ecology
D. No of above

A few species of ants and termites which depend on cultivated plants are ____?

A. Agricultural insects
B. Insect pest
C. Pest
D. None of the above

It is an organism which lives on or within another living organism is called ____?

B. Parasite
C. Predator
D. Parasitoid
E. Scavengers

Insects which are during day light hours are called _____?

A. Diurnal insects
B. Nocturnal insects
C. Crepuscular insects
D. Non of the above

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