Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

Aphid is example of _____?

A. Oviparous
B. Viviparous
C. Paedogenesis
D. All type of production

Examples of poly phagous insect is _____?

A. Helicoverpa armigera
B. Ants
C. Green lacewing
D. Pink bollworm

Insects feed on one type of food are called _____?

A. Monophagous
B. Polyphagous
C. Omnivorous insects
D. Carnivorous insects

Type of diapause occur in summer or under drought condition is called _______?

A. Dormancy
B. Torpor
C. Aestivation
D. Starvation

The physiological state or arrested metabolism in which development of insects is delayed irrespective of environmental factors is ________?

A. Tor por
B. Quiescence
C. Diapause
D. Hibernation

Young ones of fly is ______?

A. Imago
B. Maggot
C. Grub
D. Puparium

The young ones of exopteryotes butt aquatic in habit is?

A. Naiad
B. Nymph
C. Larva
D. Adult

Resting stage in endopteryota is called?

A. Larva
B. Adult
C. Pupae
D. Nympth

Insects which develop their wings externally?

A. Exopterygota
B. Endopterygota
C. Apterabola
D. None of the above

______ is a practice of dinning on one’s own species?

A. Cannibalism
B. Hibernation
C. Diapause
D. Non of the above

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