Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

Any organism which harms or causes damage to man directly or indirectly is called ?

A. Inset pest
B. Pest
C. Agricultural Insect
D. None of the above

Insects belong to class _____?

A. Symphyla
B. Pauropoda
C. Crustacea
D. Hexapoda

The type of diapause which occur in winter is _____?

A. Hibernation
B. Aestivation
C. Stravation
D. Dormancy

The form off insect after complete metamorphosis is _____?

A. Imago
B. Pupa
C. Puparium
D. Grub

The study of insect is called ?

A. Entomology
B. Applied Entomology
C. Zoology
D. Non of the above

Legless larvae of coleopteran having a tiny head and a few sense organs is _____?

A. Maggot
B. Imago
C. Grub
D. None of these

The young ones of hemimetabolous insects or exopteryota which are terrestrial in habbit is _____?

A. Pupa
B. Nymph
C. Larva
D. Naiad

The young one of holemetabola is _____?

A. Nymph
B. Naiad
C. Larvae
D. Pupa

Insects in which the young ones pass through complex or indirect metamorphosis are said to be ___?

A. Hypermetamophosis
B. Holometabola
C. Ametabola
D. Hemimetabola

An abnormal proliferation of plant cells resulting from outside stimulus (Insect, a fungal growth, a mite) is called ?

A. Gall
B. Boring
C. Malformation
D. Malnutrition

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