Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

A mixture included pesticides which decrease the efficiency of each other is called _____?

A. Additive mixture
B. Antagonistic mixture
C. Potentiating mixture
D. None of the Above

Volatile chemical which exist in the gaseous state in sufficient concentration to be lethal for a given pest is called ?

A. Fumigant
B. Arsenicals pesticide
C. Pyrethorid
D. carbamate

Carbamates contains _______?

A. Carbon, hydrogen
B. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen
C. Carbon, nitrogen and sulphur
D. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen

Example of inorganic pesticides are ______?

A. calcium cyanide, boric acid
B. Chlorine, nitrogen
C. Oxygen, sulfur
D. Phosphorus, chlorine

The chemical used for controlling of mites is called ____?

A. Acaricide
B. Nematicide
C. Nematicide
D. Mollusicide

The chemical used for killing birds is called ______?

A. Ovicide
B. Avicide
C. Pesticide
D. None of these

Ingredient added in pesticide to enhance and maintain efficacy of active ingredient is _______?

A. Dose
B. Active ingredient
C. Insert ingredient
D. Pesticide

Aphis lions are predator of _____?

A. Aphid
B. Jassid
C. Sugarcane borer
D. Pyrilla

The parasite which are capable of developing upon a few closely related host species is called _____?

A. Oligophagous parasites
B. Polyhagous parasites
C. Facultative parasites
D. Transitory parasites

The parasite which can live on more than one host is called ____?

A. Obligated Parasite
B. Facultative Parasite
C. Intermitted Parasite
D. Transitory Parasite

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