Use of living organism to bring down the pest population to sub economic level is called ______?
A. Biological control
B. Cultural control
C. Physical control
D. Natural control
Reduction in pest population by the utilization of agricultural practices to make the environment unfavorable for pest is called ______?
A. Natural control
B. Mechanical control
C. Physical control
D. Cultural control
The collective action of environmental factors that maintain numbers of pest population with in certain limit over a time is called _____?
A. Artificial control
B. Natural control
C. Cultural control
D. Physical control
When damage cause by insect pest is slight such pest is referred as ______?
A. Major pest
B. Minor pest
C. Key pest
D. Migrant pest
An insect pest normally present at some time during the growing season that causes the economic damage to a crop is called ?
A. Key pest
B. Secondary pest
C. Occasional pest
D. Migrant pest
The pest which causes no significant damage but due to unjudious use of chemical they cause significant loss is called ?
A. Secondary pest
B. Key pest
C. Occasional pest
D. Migrant pest
The lowest pest population that will cause economic damage is called ______?
A. Economic injury level
B. Economic threshold level
C. Economic damage
D. None of the Above
The pest which damages the crop and causes a loss in quality or quantity which can be calculated such pest is called _____?
A. Insect pest
B. Pest
C. Economic pest
D. Sub economic pest
An explosive increase in population of particular species that occurs over a short period of time is called ____?
C. Pest resurgence
D. Pest outbreak
The use of two or more pest control method except chemical control in a planned way to control pests is called ______?
A. Integrated pest management
B. Integrated pest control
C. Integrated insect pest management
D. Pest resource