Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

Which is the strongest animal of the world ______?

A. Whales
B. Elephants
C. Ants
D. Beetles

Where the most insects are abundant ____?

A. Tropical region
B. Sub tropical
C. temperature region
D. None of the above

Insect are _____?

A. Cold blooded animals
B. Warm blooded animals
C. Grasshopper
D . None of the above

The fleas do ______?

A. Fly
B. Never flown
C. May or may not fly
D. non of these

Which insect cause ear splitting plain to some people _____?

A. Cicadas
B. Fireflies
C. Locust
D. Silver fish

Workers of honey bees have number of chromosome _____?

A. Diploid
B. Haploid
C. Triploid
D. None of above

What are helpful insects _____?

A. Predators, Pollinators, Parasites, Honey bees
B. Silkworm, Pollinators, Predators, Scavenges
C. Weed killers, scavengers, predator, pollinator, parasites
D. Predators, Pollinators, Lac insects

Termite workers are ______?

A. May be a non reproductive male or non reproductive female
B. A non reproductive male
C. A non reproductive female
D. None of above

Fire flies are _____?

A. Flies
B. Beetles
C. Fleas
D. Wasps

Commercial rearing of honey is called _____?

A. Sericulture
B. Apiculture
C. Floriculture
D. Lac culture

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