Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

Commercial production of silk is called ____?

A. Sericulture
B. Apiculture
C. Floriculture
D. Lac culture

Silk is produced by _____ insect ?

A. Laceifer lacae
B. Bombyx mori
C. Apis cerana
D. Apis dorsata

Type of pheromone which get together the insects for food and mating is known as ______?

A. Alarm pheromone
B. Aggregation pheromone
C. Sex pheromone
D. Trial marking pheromone

In honey bees a flight for mating purpose is called ______?

A. Nuptial flight
B. Straight flight
C. Tactile flight
D. None of above

What is bee bread _____?

A. Honey and wax
B. Pollen and nectar
C. Honey and pollen
D. non of these

Royal Jelly made up of _______?

A. Pollen and water
B. Pollen, water, nectar
C. Pollen and nectar
D. Pollen, Water, Nectar

The bees are not reared for commercial purpose are called ______?

A. Domestic bees
B. Wild bees
C. None of the above
D. Wild bees

Those insects which lives in groups, clones or tribes form are called ______?

A. Gregarious insects
B. Social insects
C. Solitary insects
D. Household insects

What is the most social insects ______?

A. Black ants
B. Termites
C. Honeybees
D. None of the above

What is function of deterrent _____?

A. Chemical which prevent feeding
B. Prevent ovipositon of an insect
C. Prevent feeding and oviposition of an insect
D. None of the above

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