The phenomenon off insect resistance to one type of insecticide providing resistance to other insecticides with similar mode of action _____?
A. Cross resistance
B. Specific resistance
C. General resistance
D. Horizantal resistance
A level of resistance show by a cultivar is similar against all insect biotype such type of resistance is ____?
A. Cross resistance
B. Specific resistance
C. General resistance
D. Vertical resistance
A level of resistance show by a cultivar is similar against all insect biotype such type of resistance is ______?
A. Cross resistance
B. Specific resistance
C. General resistance
D. Vertical resistance
A type of resistance in which a series of different cultivars of the same crop are infested with a series of different insect biotypes of same species show a differentia interaction is known as ______?
A. Horizontal resistance
B. Vertical resistance
C. Specific resistance
D. Cross resistance
The ability of a plant by means of which it is less damaged by insects is ______?
A. Tolerance
B. Pest avoidance
C. Plant resistance
D. Resistance
Social behavior present in _______?
A. Termites
B. Ants bees
C. Butterflies
D. Termites, Ants< bees
The slow acting pheromones are _____?
A. Primers
B. Releasers
C. Semio chemicals
D. Allelo chemicals
A chemical or secretions which are thrown outside the body for transmitting message to the individual of same species is _____?
A. Hormone
B. Pheromone
C. Juvinile Hormone
D. Ecdysone
Locomotion in response to odour is ____?
A. Chemokinesis
B. Hydrokinesis
C. Stereokinesis
D. Klinokinesis
The haring organs in grasshopper ______?
A. Johnston’s organ
B. Tympanal organ
C. Chorodotonal organ
D. None of the above